Friday, October 10, 2008

Lost in Hulu

After watching a movie on Hulu I am determined to never watch another movie on their site again. They simply place too many ads within the movie. The flow of the movie is lost and I simply lose the surreal atmosphere the movie tried to create. Arguably, this is the same reason why I don't like watching movies on television. The commercials destroy the movie!

I would much rather sit through a round of previews or at the very least, they could combine commercial slots. Even doubling the number of commercials per break would reduce the interruptions by half. I really hate when the indie soundtrack that puts me in an euphoric trance is interrupted by a silly girl making me feel guilty for "destroying" the environment. Or another silly girl making me feel guilty for the foreclosure of her little doll house. Or a group of bored teenage boys distraught over their lack of a recreation center. Hulu get it right! Don't simply take the commercial cuts the television networks have added. You might as well pour water on my face right in the middle of the movie every five minutes or so. While your model works for tv shows that plan for commercial breaks in their scripting, it does not work for movies.

Lost in translation? Lost in Hulu.

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